Local Cinema Advertising

Your company operates in a particular region or sells local products? We are rooted in our homeland and know what moves the people in your area. Leave your regional advertising to real professionals: our customer advisors are rooted in their homeland and know what moves the people on your doorstep.
- Individual auditoriums can be booked
- Spot is shown before every regular performance
- Booking possible on a daily basis
- Change of subject possible with the same spot length within the campaign
- Target group oriented strategies
Contact us for an individual offer. Together we think globally and act regionally for you.
Weischer.Cinema Austria General Terms and Conditions
Here you will find the General Terms and Conditions of Weischer.Cinema Austria GmbH.
Wanna know more about our services?
Request regional cinema advertising Vienna, Carinthia and Styria
Jürgen Völkl
Consultant (W/ST/K)

Request regional cinema advertising Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
Andreas Müksch
Consultant (W/NÖ/B)

Request Regional Cinema Advertising Upper Austria and Salzburg
Jochen Knie
Consultant (OÖ/S)

Request regional cinema advertising Tyrol and Vorarlberg
Rudi Oberrauch
Consultant (T/V)