Weischer.Cinema Österreich
We are Weischer.Cinema Austria. The number 1 in Austria for cinema advertising.
As the leading cinema advertising marketer, we bring your campaign into the most emotional of all advertising environments, guaranteeing that your messages have maximum impact.
Classic Cinema Advertising Cinema Advertising 100% contact guarantee - you only get that in the cinema! You won't find more attention and emotion anywhere else.
Local Cinema Advertising Cinema Advertising Would you like to place regional cinema advertising? Then you have come to the right place.
Programmatic Cinema Cinema Advertising Cinema advertising is also programmatic. Experience Programmatic Cinema now!
Below The Line Cinema Advertising There is a lot of room for creative advertising in the cinema – not only on the screen.
Market research Research When it comes to market research in cinemas, Weischer.Cinema Austria is a pioneer in the European market.
Adressable TV Adressable TV Brand new: With us you can extend your campaign into the TV programme via Addressable TV!
Cinema as a popular medium for young audiences Cinema remains the top medium for young audiences in 2024!
Weischer Cinema annual presentation 2025! The Urania had opened its cinema doors wide for us so that we could invite you to our big annual presentation in 2025.
Weischer Matinee: cinema in the morning for our team! Cinema, popcorn and team spirit: our first Weischer Matinee! What happens when you invite colleagues to the cinema one morning? A lot of fun!
Cinema. The perfect space for advertising. Cinema can do a lot, a great deal, if not everything.